Friday, February 25, 2011

Liking How Some Things NEVER Change.

In my last post, I mentioned my "To Do" list.

Well, in my effort to become even MORE efficient (although some prefer OCD - um... okay. I get it.),
I wanted to knock out another task.

My sister,Olgsmobile, posted this picture of Dominik (my nephew) in an outfit my mom made for him for Christmas last year.

It put a HUGE smile on my face when I saw her final product.
Click here to see why... ;)

Sunshine on My Face.

Ever have one of those times in your life where you just feel like you are in limbo?
I am there. Everything is quiet. I watch people all around me. Living their life as if nothing exists but their bubble of personal space, thoughts, and circle of friends and family.

But. I know better.

Crazy how we get immune to the fact that this is part of life.
We get almost - desensitized.
Not that we intentionally avoid those in our life who are "there" but just... do not... realize it.

Right now. What I feel...
Almost surreal.
Like the calm before a storm.

Don't read too much into this people.
(and especially don't consider this a "sign" for alarm)

Just... "keeping it real."

I am actually listening to a very ear-pleasing song by Plain White T's... "Rhythm of Love" right now and munching on rice snacks. I will sign off and get back to the grind. I just don't hold back. I feel it. I let it out. And press on.

But, this past month has been off and on.
Lots going on.
Lots of traveling.
Then, as I slow down... I allow myself to be fully aware of my surroundings.

Looking back on this past month. MUCH has happened.
Not to get into too many specifics, but I had at least FIVE deaths in my world.
Count 'em. Five.






Paused with each one and paid them each their own fair share of respect. Again. And again. Seems like it is never enough though.

Can't help but have it affect you. Regardless of who they were or how it happened.

I get that it is the reality of life. But it can be overwhelming.

Looking outside, a storm is moving in. My nose is cold and red and I am waiting for the Spring to return.

My sister, Jenny, reminds us on her wall that "Spring is less than a month away!"

Thanks, Sis. Your words mean a lot to a fella' like me who is waiting to break out those summer clothes and get back into my outdoor running. It makes me smile to see optimistic people. It motivated me to add "Get Mountain Bike Tuned Up" to my weekend To Do list.

So, that said... I feel the sun coming back. Inbound storm, or not.
I am feeling it.