Friday, June 10, 2011

Childhood Memories

All of Us

* Me w/my new Diamondback BMX bicycle. Large plank of plywood. About 5 of dad's old car tires.
Siblings... laying on the sidewalk, side-by-side like sardines and El Bambino clearing each and every one of them. WITH millimeters to spare.


* Visiting Tio Antonio & Tia Rosy in Dallas and thinking his truck (old, red hot rod) was the coolest thing - EVER.
* Walking to school (Paradise Valley Elementary) every day. One day, two bullies stopped us and blew cigarette smoke in my face but I FENDED them OFF with my Marvel Comics Superheroes lunch pail. "Run Carlos, RUN!" I think these kids thought I was psycho and let us go. But, I was always there to protect my lil' brother.

Claudia (Ana)

 * Dad buying us an album with colorful balloons on the cover. Out of all of the children's songs, Claudia was ADDICTED to "Johhhhhn, Jacob, Jingle, HEIMER-SCHMIDT, his name is MY name, toooooo!"
* Okay, okay... for the sake of her beating me to the punch, I'll say it (although it wasn't a GOOD memory); pushing her off our garage roof. BUT, in my defense... the grass was supposed to cushion her blow! How was I supposed to know it wouldn't? (Hey Sis, remember those tiny pebbles up on that roof, though? What was UP with that?!)


* I remember the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital.
I was SO anxious to give you the pillow from Mrs. Amend, my teacher. It was a brown and white pillow that looked like a dog (hound dog with big floppy ears). Mom still has that pillow. :)
* You riding on my bunny pegs as I toted you all around the neighborhood. For what it's worth, I'll always be there for you. Mean it. (Yeah, I'm feelin' kinda mushy).
* ninja dress up
* golf balls (dumping down the street)


* Pee Wee. Nuf said!




* Taking a trip down to Mexico one year after I had already been in the Service and we found a neat little statue of a man sitting cross-legged and flexing his arms (picture a midget... er, little person... trying to comb his hair and CAN'T reach).  Rubz sat down next to him and mimicked him. Spitting image!