Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Call to Serve

South Valley Community Church

~ C O N N E C T I N G ~

~ G R O W I N G ~

~ S E R V I N G ~

~ S H A R I N G ~

These four core values are what my church believes in.
As a member of South Valley Community Church located in Lemoore, California, Pastor Jeff Kristenson and his team have been blessed by the Holy Spirit year after year and have brought thousands of people to know Jesus Christ.

For me personally, I have learned what it means to be a Christian and I do my best to follow Him but like everyone else on this earth, I stumble daily. And, knowing this… realizing that I must not stay down, I pick myself right back up each and every day and thank the Lord for having patience with me.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

During my tenure as a Youth Ministries volunteer with Student Pastor Ron Tuman and his team, I learned a great deal about not only the sacrifices it takes to serve, but that the return on the investment is well worth the effort. Ironically though, probably the single, most important lesson I learned was from the youth… about myself. The SPIRITUAL maturity these kids exuded was incredible. I looked up to many of them… as an example of who I wanted to be.

I reflected on…

the man I had been in the past;

the man I was that day;

the man God wanted me to be.

Since then, the path has not always been smooth; yet, I am here.
Still standing.
With God continuing to light my path.

. . .

Still seeking answers on my own walk along this path, I am ready to move on to the next chapter in my life - to teach others the story that I know in hopes that their stresses in life are more tolerable. Praying that, they too, may find peace in their heart by allowing God to do His work in them, through me as His servant, so one day we can all be where we were meant to be.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


"God is calling us to fight for our Faith and for our Families.
He is calling us to follow Christ and live a life that is Courageous."

It's Time To Answer The Call

{ Photo taken in March 2012. Just a few months after I almost lost my family to Divorce. }

Deep into a new year.

April 22nd, 2012.
Deep into a new day.

And so it begins...

Many of you know I have been leading a men's bible study off the Christian-based movie Courageous from the creators of Fireproof (watch movie trailer here:  Courageous).

If you haven't seen the movie, PLEASE stop and take the time to watch the trailer. It is POWERful.

Lately, I have been feeling the Lord tugging at my heart.

To Follow Him and stop being selfish, stubborn and ignorant.

To Listen to Him by softening my heart and allowing His will to be done; not mine.

And to Lead.

Although I have led thousands of men and women in my earthly career, the calling to lead on a spiritual level is what I am most looking forward to. Along those lines, I am humbled, scared, confused and doubtful. Yet, I know that this is not about me. It is all for His glory. And…

It is for those who are waiting for God to reach out to them.

I encourage you to take a walk with me. Follow my story as it unfolds and with the Lord's blessing, I am confident that the seeds will be planted and we can all watch as His will allows them to blossom into many other miraculous stories; maybe even one of your own.