Monday, December 31, 2012



Yesterday, I called for a family meeting. The topic of discussion was "resolutions."

Not sure where the conversation would go, nor the outcome, what I did know is that God is GOOD.
And, He has blessed us plentiful by our obedience to Him as a family.
This said, I prayed and asked Him to show me the way.

Leaning on my bible, I referred to a verse which I have relied heavily on this past year...

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13

Ironically, this same verse was used in a Christian-based movie entitled Soul Surfer which we watched just a couple of weeks ago. Great movie, by the way!

This year, I want to introduce my family to traditions. As such, resolutions are now added to the bucket.
This year, we will SUPPORT one another in striving to attain our goals.
This year will be a year of strengthening, of bonding, of memory-making for God's glory.

We decided that this year, we would each choose three goals with three areas of focus.


The secret in attaining our goals will be to lean on one another and to remind one another that God is the One who gives us strength through the power of his Grace.

We spoke in detail about materialistic, earthly possessions which hinder us in becoming closer to God.
We discussed the meaning of happiness versus joy.
In Philippians, Paul expressed the importance of being content with our blessings; how it is within our nature to want more and never be completely satisfied until we realize that we can never win the rat race.
That in order for us to find true peace within our lives, we must admit to this human ideal and…
let. it. GO.
If you always want more, and if you ask God to remove that desire and teach you contentment, you will be a step closer to reaching inner peace.

As the spiritual leader of MY home, I will trust in the Lord and pray daily for His guidance.

2013 will be a year to remember.
