Saturday, January 12, 2013

Engage God

Is it sacrilegious to write in your bible?

(Sacrilegious:  Grossly irreverent (disrespectful) toward what is or is held to be sacred.)

Growing up, I was raised with the notion that the answer was YES.
I now know that this is not true.

If ANYthing, I find it more disrespectful to allow your bible to collect dust or remain packed up in a box somewhere.

The bible is the word of God and it is intended to be read and understood. Anyone can read the words on the pages but to understand, to comprehend the intent of His message, takes serious focus and concentration (meditation). And, as with any other form of study, I have found that it is best to get fully engaged with God and allow Him to take control.

Therefore, if your heart's true intent is to get to know God, and not deface the bible, not only is it acceptable but rather, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, that you utilize your bible as a study tool in the biggest test of life.

This person, obviously, gets this, too.

(photo credit: