Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bible Study (Series: Courageous Living)

Many of you in the local Lemoore area have inquired about a bible study on base. As such, I have decided to lead one commencing next week.

Details are as follows:

1. Dates & Times (1830-2030):

Wednesday, 9 May: Movie Night (Courageous DVD)
Monday, 14 May: Session 1 (Courageous Call: fighting for your family)
Thursday, 17 May: Session 2 (Courageous Priorities: valuing what matters most)
Wednesday, 23 May: Session 3 (Courageous Legacy: impacting future generations)
Wednesday, 30 May: Session 4 (Courageous Faith: standing for Christ)

2. Location: inside NAS Lemoore Base Chapel

3. This study is for the:

- father who is always working and feels somewhat disconnected at home
- service member who has been deployed for months and can’t wait to engage with his wife and kids
- dad who is home on weekends but flies out every Monday morning to work out of town
- young guy whose relationship went too far too quickly and who became a dad too young
- divorced dad who becomes a full-time dad every other weekend and one month during the summer
- stepdad who lives full time with step kids
- single mom raising three children while wearing both parent hats every day
- young man with a new wife waiting for the arrival of their first child
- mature father who looks back on his life with regrets and wants to now impact his grandkids
- dad who never knew his father and longs to discover how to lead his family well
- ANYONE is welcome!

4. Notes:

- dates and times are subject to change with short notice so please be flexible
- food and drinks are not allowed inside the church; however, these times should allow for everyone to enjoy dinner with their family prior to arriving
- childcare is not provided (adults only please)

If you would like to attend, please forward me the following information:

1. Name of person(s) attending
2. E-mail address
3. Telephone number

I look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,
J. Garcia
E-mail: courageouslegacy@gmail.com

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