Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Are YOU Being Selfish?

Let's Talk

I am going to vote; however, here is what I find VERY disturbing…

I. The exorbitant number of people who do NOT vote because they:

1. Could care less. (<--- how about caring for the future of this nation? for our children?)
2. Feel that things “happen for a reason” (<--- there is such a thing as “free will”… things are not “caused” to happen but happen by our free will and things are “allowed” to happen)
3. Do not believe their vote counts (<--- no vote IS a vote)
4. Think that neither candidate is worth voting for (<--- again… no vote IS a vote)

II. People who DO vote but base their OWN PERSONAL decision(s) on their candidate’s stance on one or more of the debatable issues (e.g., health care reform, economic recovery plan, social security, abortion, etc.).

Where do YOU fall?

Have you ever stopped to ponder just how many people are being selfish?
How many people are making a decision based off their own, personal desires or ambitions?
How many people vote for a candidate because off their candidate's own stance on issues that affects, NOT the nation as a whole, but THEM directly (e.g., right to bear arms, abortion, medical coverage, military cutbacks, etc.)?

I implore you to put all selfish ambitions, desires, wants or methodology aside and base your decision on the principles that this country was founded on… biblical, God-fearing, principles for the future generations we will be leaving behind. The only way this will happen will be by creating dialogue with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family and anyone else who will listen and engage (intelligently) and not shying away from the issues that face us today. One thing I have learned in life, as many of you have, is that if you see a problem, do not be the one to criticize. Take the problem for action by offering recommended solutions and leave it up to the people we place in charge to make the best, possible well-informed decision. That is what truly makes this country great.

Your VOTE is documented.

Your voice IS heard.

Make it count.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Bridge

Yesterday was very special.
We finally found a church home.

“The Bridge” is ideally located near the Deception Pass Bridge here in Oak Harbor, Washington. It is nestled in the woods at the end of a gravel road laden with colorful maple trees and faces a beautiful, pristine pond. The congregation meets in a large, red barn and plans for a larger structure are in works.

To be a part of this growing body of Christ is something quite special.
To recognize that God has placed me in a position to lead my family as the spiritual leader of my household is even MORE special (talk about the biggest responsibility in life!).

This day, and every day, I thank God for my family and for giving me the strength to stay strong in faith.