Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Good Shepherd

Throughout the years, there have been many times when I have thought of my father and wondered if I was carrying out the goals he had set for me, as a man. After all, most fathers long for their sons to grow in their likeness and carry out their legacy.

Last week, I reaffirmed my faith that I was on the right track.

As the Commissioning Officer, I had the privilege of welcoming a fellow Enlisted Sailor to our United States Navy's coveted Commissioned Officer ranks.
The special thing about this ceremony was that this was no ordinary Sailor.

James Conkey is a former Chief Petty Officer.

He is a lifelong friend.
He is a father to some remarkable children and
the husband to an amazing woman who adores him and supports him.

Most importantly, though...

James is a child of Christ.

Although it was my privilege to promote him to the rank of Ensign
through a commission from the President of the United States,
it was my honor to do so for a fellow brother in Christ
who has accepted the anointing of the Holy Spirit 
through the Great Commission from God.

In the end, I realized that not only was I on track with carrying out my father's wishes…
I was on track with carrying out my spiritual Father's desires as his good shepherd.

May God continue to create men of courage who are willing to take the helm
with Christ at the center of their heart.

Blessings to you and yours, James.

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