Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Trip Home (Texas, Colorado & Wyoming)

My last post... showed my travels to San Antonio.

Here are a few pictures from that trip.

And a few more as I ended up flying to Denver, CO for a few days then driving to Gillette, WY for one night.

Can't believe how much can happen in just a short amount of time.

I'll say this much...

There is a lot going on in my life.

Lots of moving pieces... lots of love, sorrow, happiness, pain, and...

Definitely an emotional roller coaster.

But. I am trusting in God. Trusting that he will take care of me and my loved ones (you know who you are).

I am blessed that I am still here. Walking on this earth. The same land that He walked on just a couple thousand years ago. Think about things like "Why am I here? Why have you saved me so many times in my life. What purpose do you have for me?" And I anxiously await the answer.

I have taken advice from so many people throughout the years but there are a few people in the entire world that I can say I LISTEN to. My advisers, so to speak, of sound, sage guidance. This trip, I was reacquainted with a few of those people. And, know this... I trust you. Completely.

What you see...

Me, cousins, cousins, and MORE cousins, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, niece, nephews... view of Wyoming hillside... .. Tamales in the making. ;)

What I see... many other family members missing from my life.  ~ Someday.

{ confusing, this one... i know }


  1. I am so happy you were able to get back to Gillette and see your old friends and family. Sorry I wasn't still around the area and get the chance to say hello to my good, and long-time friend. I am thankful that you have solid people in your life that are there for you, can give you advice, or just show their love and support - we all take people we care about for many people don't have any. Count are many blessings, right? God bless you, Jose! - Jen

  2. Sounds like a quick trip, too bad you couldn't stay longer. Keep your eyes focused above and you'll be led to make the decisions you need to make when He's ready!
