Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Runner's Challenge...

Chasing the "P" to the "Lew"

Attached is a snapshot of the online running challenge I signed up for back in October.  It's called Chasing the "P" to the "Lew" and don't ask me what it means because I joined late.  The rules:  see who can run the most miles in 1 year (from 1 September 2010 - 31 October 2011... I started on 1 October 2010).  There are 22 challengers; 4 of whom have never completed registration and another 4 who have completed registration but have yet to submit any runs.  Of the 14 remaining, I have worked through the 14th, 13th, 12fth (this reads funny but it IS correct), 11th, and 10th place slots and am now in 9th place.

D.A.D. (Dave Davis) is my friend/neighbor who lives just down the street and he is the one who invited me to join.  His wife is a personal trainer on base and they are both big time runners.  He has a wall FULL of medals from marathons.  When I saw his wall, and for the first time realized you can get "bling-bling" from these events, I was sold on marathons!  Signing up for my first 1/2 marathon due to occur in February.  Then, a 180-mile, 12-man relay in the summer.

It's the dad in me wanting to have those medals to serve as a visible example for the kids to see that it is possible to remain fit, even as an old man.  ;)  Logan's smack talkin' (and he is a HUGE smack talker at that!) is getting old and I need to set the standard... NOT the other way around!  He AND Briana already have shelves full of trophies, ribbons and necklace charms from competitions (e.g., basketball, baseball, soccer, track, etc.)!

You can see MY smack talkin' on the right. ;) And I don't even know who the other competitors are!  I'm SURE they are like "who the heck does this guy think he is?!"  To them I say, "move over bacon... time for new Sizzlin" - from an old 80's commercial). ;)

My goals:

#1:  pass Dave Davis! (move into 8th) (Dave... sorry bud, no hard feelings!)
#2:  pass "ajanehere" (move into 7th)
#3:  pass 'MadCammer08" (move into 6th)

Once I am settled comfortably into 6th, I will re-evaluate my goals, take a step back, assess the overall situation (running style, shoes, gear, form/technique, diet, daily workout and eating routine, etc.).  Then, make adjustments, as necessary.  There is ALWAYS room for improvement.

If you look closely at 3rd, 4th and 5th place runners, they are all neck-in-neck AND there is about a hundred mile spread between 5th and 6th, so this is how I see it.  I will have to do something dramatic to catch them.  Right now, I'm looking at my short-term goal of getting into that 6th place slot.  Then, as I re-evaluate my goals, I will start over with a NEW set of top 3 goals (don't like to roll onto goals #4, #5, etc... 1, 2 & 3 sound MUCH more inspiring, achievable and closer-range, realistic objectives).

Then, this IS what will happen... (saying this with conVICtion!)


#1:  Kick it into gear and make HUGE strides in catching that 5th place runner.  Goal is to catch them by surprise.  They, currently, do not see the 6th place runner as a threat... YET.  But, as I prepare for "combat," I will THEN catch them TOTALLY off guard and then it will REALLY be "game on!"  I will NOT mess around with "neck-in-neck."  I'm shooting straight for passing them and gaining at least a good 50-mile cushion (figure I'll make it a good 2 marathon distance to get into their heads... psychological warfare). ;)

Then, if the ranges remain as they currently stand, I do not expect to move up into 1st or even 2nd.  "orthoclydesdale" and "BigBri16" can duke it out since they are obviously more motivated than I am... but... B U T... I'm not firm on my decision, yet.  I may shoot for #1.  EVEN IF IT MEANS I TAKE TIME OFF TO CATCH THEM.  Ha!

"Wish me luck!"


  1. Glad to see you SO motivated! Keep those runnin' shoes HOT! You can do whatever you set your mind to!

  2. Don't burn out before Reno! Haha. I think you should take it easy and stay behind me! Thanks for the comments, I think we feed off eachother!

  3. How do I sign up? I'll start at 0 miles today and play catchup.
