Friday, January 7, 2011

* Bling Bling *

Those of you who have been reading my posts and blogs know that I have been running a lot lately.  Started a few months ago and am ready to ramp up for my first half marathon... well, first and second. Running my first one in Phoenix, Arizona (Rock and Roll Marathon) and then one in Hanford, California (just 20 miles east of here).  More on that soon...

First, funny story on this foot medal you see pictured here...

This is my youngest brother Ruben.  The short, frumpy one on the left. No... left as YOU LOOK at the pic.

One year when I was home on leave (back in Wyoming), I was visiting for two days (hmmm... starting to notice a pattern of short visits) and there was a foot race at Bi-Centennial Park by my parent's house, I was going for a morning run and happened to catch the race JUST before it started.  I remember I ran down to the end of the street, saw a large crowd at the park, jogged up there, saw it was a race and asked what I needed to do to sign up then "BANG!"  Gun went off.  They said it was $20.00 and I, luckily, had that in my armband.  Slapped it on the table and took off as they were yelling at me to fill out the forms... I said "see ya' on the back side!"  So I grabbed a number, pinned it on as I was running and after the race I signed up and... I won a FOOT!  Can't remember what my time was (it was only a 5K) but still, y'know?  Ended up taking first place for my age group. Sweeeeet.

Oh, and the best part, my kids LOVED it because at their school, they earn little, plastic feet for periodic "fun runs" they do.  Imagine the look on their faces when they saw my CHROME, shiny "bling, bling!" as Briana and Logan said... "daddy, you have some maaaad skittles!"


{ listening to a song called What's My Name by Rihanna & Drake... LOVE this song because it reminds me of Briana. I always sing it to her as... "Briiiiiana, what's your name... Briiiiiana, what's your name... Briiiiiana, what's your name..." then yesterday, she came back with "hey daaaady, you're so lame... hey daaaady, you're so lame... hey daaaady, you've got no game..." and I was like... "uhhh" (Logan in the background... hand up to his mouth... "oooooh! you got tooooold!" - sorry, just a random thought}

Back to the half marathons...


Rock and Roll Marathon (Phoenix, Arizona):  From what I have gathered, it is a great time.  Even better for those who drink!  I'll stick to my Powerade and almonds.  I know.  SUCH a rebel.  They have live bands at each mile marker.  People cheering you along the way, cameras taping you and capturing your "magic moments."  And this thought...

All I can think about is the time I was running with my recruits one year as a Navy boot camp drill instructor and I was leading the pack, yelling "COME ON RECRUITS! DANG IT!  I AM TWICE YOUR AGE AND CAN RUN CIRCLES AROUND YOU!!!" Then, walking away in pure DISGUST!  "Sheesh.!" Taking one step into the nearest building, slamming the door (for dramatic purposes, of course) then... GASPING for air!  "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE NEAREST WATER FOUNTAIN?!"  "GAAAAAAASP!"  I was DYING!  But... shhhhh, our secret.  ;)

So, aaaaaanywaaaaayyyy, here I am thinking...  "Okay.  I'll be running a little over 13 miles.  Cameras everywhere.  Great.  HOW in the world am I going to keep my game face ON?!"  All I know is that they had BEST not get in my way at the end.  I'll be looking for the nearest fountain... that is, AFTER I take that final pic at the finish where it will look as if I JUST started... riiiiiiight!  With MY luck, they'll publish the one where I'll be throwing up, curbside near the middle somewhere.  "Oh!  WAIT!  Come on man!  Hey man!  Hey Man!  I'll PAY you to destroy that shot!"

Registration on this one was around $125.00 plus round-trip airfare from LA to Phoenix, gas to LA and back, lodging, food, etc.  BUT, the fact that I walk away with some bling, bling... PRICELESS.


Half Marathon (Hanford, California):  This one is very close to the base.  Much safer two.  Already scoped out the nearest hospitals and there are three within a 10 mile radius.

Registered today.  It was around $50.00... MUCH cheaper than the Phoenix half!

So, all this, just to say...


1.  More energy.
2.  Travel.
3.  New friendships.
4.  Memories with family.
5.  Setting an example for others.
6.  Running for charity.
7.  Live long. And prosper. (for all you Trekies)
8.  Cool t-shirts, beanies...
9.  Bling Bling...

Aaaand we just won't go there now, will we.


Come on! Really?!
Here is a link for those of you who Just. Do. NOT. GET it.

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