Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Camarillo, Cali

This morning, my brother, Carlos and I woke up at 5 a.m.
I had stayed at his hotel in Camarillo, California on my way back from a business conference in San Diego.
We decided to go for a run.
Went downstairs and there were two treadmills but one was taken so I lifted weights instead.
He ran about 5 miles.
I ended up running about 2.5.
He, then, got ready for work and I had breakfast.
It was SO good.
Probably since I was hungry from my run, but STILL!
Then, he left for the office but he had a flat tire! Ugh.
So, he calls me up, I go downstairs and we fix it together.
I didn't want him to get all dirty since he was suited up (looked so sharp)!
And off he went.

I, on the other hand, go back to the room.
Get online for awhile.
Then, take a nap.
I was SO tired from the night before.
We had stayed up talking. Nice conversation, too. :)
Woke up a few hours later and it was late morning by this point.
My plan was to get on the road by 10ish but when I opened the window, the weather was PERFECT!
So, I decided to go for a run.
Ran about 11 miles but probably could have ran more had I not run out of water!
It was SO scenic in Camarillo.
The area we were in was very quiet, peaceful and clean.
Reminded me of a modern-day "Leave it to Beaver"-ville. ;)
(what WAS the name of his town? I remember Wally, Beaver, Eddie Hascal, June, Ward...)

So, I finally get packed, load the car and hit the road around 4.
This was after I took my time, showered, ate, etc.
But, of course I hit rush hour traffic!
What was I thinking?!... I WASN'T.
So, here I am... 6 hours later (should have only taken 3)!

Tired. No... exhausted.
Physically AND mentally.
2011 thus far has been exhausting - ALREADY.

Tomorrow, I go back to work.
Then, work half a day on Friday and drive BACK down to L.A. to catch our flight to Phoenix for our half marathon on Sunday.
Carlos and I will fly there and back on the same flight.
His fiance Lisa will be meeting us there.
Should be a great time!

I have friends who invited us to their post-marathon party but I don't drink.
Carlos and Lisa, I'm sure will want to party as well but I'll just want my banana, computer and Powerade drink.
THAT won't fly over very well!
I'll just roll with it.
Maybe be designated driver??

Well, anyway... it was a great trip and I have NO regrets about ANY of it.
Just hard at times, to deal with reality (traffic, long drives...  ...).

There will be so many more trips to come...
Until next time...

~ Patiently Waiting.

1 comment:

  1. After seeing your pictures, I will never again complain about traffic ...
