Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mix It Up

Up until two days ago, I had a flight booked to Denver.
Then, I decided to make a road trip out of it.
(Never have been one to get used to routines.)

And, what a nice change of pace.

As I sit here in a Pilot Truck Stop,
Sippin' on my coffee and muffin, I reminisce of the days when I longed to be old enough to have my OWN money, my own car, my own things...

Well... Here I am and, it feels gooood!

To walk into a store and have the freedom to buy any junk food I want?
(Well, the coffee did have hazelnut creamer. That counts... right?)
And, how in the world did I survive so long without satellite radio?!
Even though I am SO tired of Lady Gaga.

Point being, growing up may not be as fun as mixing it up every now and then.

Time to roll...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Not Two Tired to Ride

Went to San Francisco this past weekend. I have missed riding. So much, as a matter of fact,  that when I unmounted my bike off my car and clipped my shoes into the pedals, I had an INSTANT smile. One that was desperately needed and one that lasted all day long.

The stresses of life just have a way of catching up with you and it's the little things that bring you back to that "glass half full" mindset.

If THIS wasn't enough to get me back into my element, then I don't know what could have done it. :)

(And can you believe I only wrecked once and it was in someone's backyard?! Shhh... doesn't sound as cool as rolling head over wheels off these steps.)

SUCH an Honor

Best Man
My brother, Carlos and his fiance, Lisa, are getting married soon. And... I remember the day he called me up last summer and asked me to be his best man.
I couldn't help but cry.
I cried...
A year has almost passed.
And since that day, much has happened in our world.
Yet, I never forgot the way I felt when my baby brother asked me.
So, in the midst all I have going on in my life, there is no priority higher than doing him proud.
I promise to always do you proud, my brother.
The one who I grew UP with. Standing next to you on the playground so no one would pick on you. Fighting kids with my Halls of Justice Super Hero lunch pail as they tried to blow cigarette smoke in your face and telling you to run like crazy! Sitting next to you on our CHiPs fuel-injected, dual-carb motorcycles (well... we WERE only 2 and 3 so I suppose the pedals will suffice for trips down memory lane). ;)
Tonight, I get an e-mail from my brother.
Addressed to the Groomsmen.
Now, I feel Nervous. Queazy. Anxious... "D" (all of the above)
I wonder if he feels the same way?
Nah... "I'm there for you bro. As always, taking your pain for you."
Relax. Enjoy your moment. Live it up. Dream of your bride to be.
And, considering how you work so far away...
And when times get tough from being away from your bride, remember this...
"A part of you has grown in me and so you see...
It's you and me together forever and never apart.
Maybe in distance but never in heart." ~ author unknown

Friday, August 19, 2011

If You Never Try...

You Will Never Know.

"When you try your Best but you don't Succeed.
When you get what you Want but not what you Need.
When you feel so Tired, but you can't Sleep.

Stuck... In Reverse."

Life today.

Economic turmoil.

Financial crisis.

They say we are on the "verge of another Great Depression."

Suicide and divorce rates, off the charts.

Death and sorrow is all around us.

And, in the midst of this all...
Those of us who are still here, manage to muster the strength to "keep on, keepin' on."

Be proud of that.

Feel Blessed for what you DO have.

For those who love you.

For those who you love.

This is the time when we need one another.
More than ever.
Let. It. Go.

Those who have hurt you.
We have too many struggles in life to compound more on top.

. . . 

Decided to follow one of my life-long passions... photography.
This was my first photograph.
And, I wanted it to mean something.

Inside this factory...
Faceless Mama's. Daddies. Aunts, Uncles, Friends and Neighbors. Each with a driving force that keeps them going.

What is your driving force?

Intrinsic Motivation = Dig Deep and Do It.
Follow Your Dream.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Moments to Capture



This is one of the reasons I have decided to take up photography.

Not really sure where to begin as I am a TOTAL newbie.
Never took a photography class in my LIFE!
But... friends have been schooling me along the way and I am FOREVER grateful for their support.
("Thank you!")

Now, I DO know my way around computers so if I can only master a camera . . .

Next year, I will be moving to Washington State.

Although California has been fun, I belong closer to places like THIS.

Anyway . . .

Stay tuned for my own work . . .

Coming, SOON!
