Monday, August 29, 2011

SUCH an Honor

Best Man
My brother, Carlos and his fiance, Lisa, are getting married soon. And... I remember the day he called me up last summer and asked me to be his best man.
I couldn't help but cry.
I cried...
A year has almost passed.
And since that day, much has happened in our world.
Yet, I never forgot the way I felt when my baby brother asked me.
So, in the midst all I have going on in my life, there is no priority higher than doing him proud.
I promise to always do you proud, my brother.
The one who I grew UP with. Standing next to you on the playground so no one would pick on you. Fighting kids with my Halls of Justice Super Hero lunch pail as they tried to blow cigarette smoke in your face and telling you to run like crazy! Sitting next to you on our CHiPs fuel-injected, dual-carb motorcycles (well... we WERE only 2 and 3 so I suppose the pedals will suffice for trips down memory lane). ;)
Tonight, I get an e-mail from my brother.
Addressed to the Groomsmen.
Now, I feel Nervous. Queazy. Anxious... "D" (all of the above)
I wonder if he feels the same way?
Nah... "I'm there for you bro. As always, taking your pain for you."
Relax. Enjoy your moment. Live it up. Dream of your bride to be.
And, considering how you work so far away...
And when times get tough from being away from your bride, remember this...
"A part of you has grown in me and so you see...
It's you and me together forever and never apart.
Maybe in distance but never in heart." ~ author unknown

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