Friday, August 19, 2011

If You Never Try...

You Will Never Know.

"When you try your Best but you don't Succeed.
When you get what you Want but not what you Need.
When you feel so Tired, but you can't Sleep.

Stuck... In Reverse."

Life today.

Economic turmoil.

Financial crisis.

They say we are on the "verge of another Great Depression."

Suicide and divorce rates, off the charts.

Death and sorrow is all around us.

And, in the midst of this all...
Those of us who are still here, manage to muster the strength to "keep on, keepin' on."

Be proud of that.

Feel Blessed for what you DO have.

For those who love you.

For those who you love.

This is the time when we need one another.
More than ever.
Let. It. Go.

Those who have hurt you.
We have too many struggles in life to compound more on top.

. . . 

Decided to follow one of my life-long passions... photography.
This was my first photograph.
And, I wanted it to mean something.

Inside this factory...
Faceless Mama's. Daddies. Aunts, Uncles, Friends and Neighbors. Each with a driving force that keeps them going.

What is your driving force?

Intrinsic Motivation = Dig Deep and Do It.
Follow Your Dream.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog. Sometimes I think I don't have the streght for another fight, but some how I do, with God. I have many battle scars. Peace. jh
