Monday, November 29, 2010

Baby steps...

baby steps... one step at a time

Where shall I start... how about this summer? July 2010, to be exact. I weighed 180 lbs. Doesn't seem like much, but it is when my ideal target weight for years was 155. I had been at a constant 172 for many years then, all of a sudden, my weight starting dropping. As I look back, the ONLY thing I had changed in my life was my junk food intake; specifically, McDonald's and Burger King). AND I cut back on my soda intake to about two per week (from about two per day!). I did not think too much about it until I weighed myself one day around August and I was back down to the mid 170s. Then, I finally got back down to 172 (thinking it would stop, since this was the norm for so many years). Not even. 171... 170... ("hey, Melissa... I think I'm losing more weight than normal.") She thought it was nothing major to worry about. So I pressed on. A while later, I figured I'd check since I had just returned from a trip to Hawaii and the USS Abraham Lincoln. Sure enough, I was up around 170 but figured I should weigh more (not sure why since I actually ate very well). Then, by October, I was down to around 165. Okay, I finally decided it was time to go in and get a full physical. Luckily, at the same time, I met our new flight surgeon (doctor) and he and I clicked. He really hooked me up with all the extra's (blood tests, etc.). Thyroid looked good. Cholesterol great. And I continued with a fitness assessment called Micro-Fit which the Navy offers for free. Bottom line; my health was "way above average" and I was in top, peak performance. So, let the games begin...

As I got checked out (praying that it was nothing serious) I decided to continue on with my exercise routine. Cardio was my complete workout. LOVE to mountain bike and I was riding in the mountains every Saturday and Sunday (when I was home). Then, one day, a friend introduced me to running and as I looked around, there were quite a few runners around me (neighbors, co-workers, friends). So I picked it up. I started running seriously around 1 October. Got a new pair of shoes. Got a Nike+ chip (tracks mileage, pace, etc.) and linked it to Nike+'s website which in turn sync's to my facebook account. Now, I have a visible, measurable tool to help keep me motivated. Little did I know the impact it would have on others. Friends drop me lines every now and then with how it helps to keep THEM motivated. So that's a HUGE PLUS! Love, love, love inspiring others. LOVE it.

Well, since then, I've maintained my 155 target. I also visited with a dietitian for two hours last week and he opened my eyes to just how HORRIBLE my diet really is. Although I am not eating junk food, I am not eating. My food journal showed I was eating an average of only 500-700 calories TOTAL per day. So. Now, I have to up my caloric intake to at least 2,000 calories per day BUT I am going to ensure it is healthy, well-balanced and in line with my workout routine (starting some type of resistance training very soon). Wish me luck!

Baby steps. It took me nearly 38 years to finally "get it." And now, I won't let it go. EVER.

Wondering if the child who will step into this tiny pair of shoes will also take so long to "get it." I hope not. THIS. Running. Is SO exhilarating. Good luck, little one.


  1. You have a way with words...Very Inspiring..Thank You!

  2. Nice work! I thought that cute little dimpled grin was looking slimmer! I'm getting back into it myself... perhaps tomorrow! Keep it up! I'm sure that you will inspire many people!

    Amy (Holland) Petrini

  3. I was at that weight when I graduated boot camp and I never saw it again. I need to get back into a routine as well. I am around 195 now and would be very happy to be 165.

    You are doing great man! Congratualations on getting to your goal...I hope all is well with everyone...
