Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Green Goblin...

1st Grade.
What a time.
Just starting out in life.
As a student.
As a new friend.
As a stranger...
In a place that smells like new...
New books. New supplies. New people.

Just getting settled into the first few months.
Just getting into his "comfort" zone.
"I can do this."
"Last year was so hard."
"I didn't know how to speak this new English language."
But he learned. Very quickly, too.
Not knowing phrases like "comfort zone."
All he knew was that "it feels REALLY good to be here now."
"I'm not as scared as I was.... I can DO this."

And as with anything else that was new to his life,
It wouldn't be too long before things would change.
Halloween was upon him now and so was...
The School Play... "Ghosts and Goblins."

"How did I get myself to agree to play the Green Goblin?!"
"Of ALL characters... I had to choose the MAIN character!"
Well, since he was still in a very reserved shell,
It just worked out that way.
Ironic how you sit back and let the more assertive kids pick the parts...
"Let THEM go first. I surely am NOT going there."
... only to be left with the one part no one else had the guts to pick. Ugh.
No... double UGH.

My mom.
Oh, how I love her.
Last night. Staying up late.
Working on my costume.
I mean, doesn't everyone's mom sew their own?
Of course they do.
Not because we are poor.
I don't even know what poor means.
I mean... don't all parents work in the corn fields?
Yup. Of course they do...
(mental note... get a patent for this field work concept... farm work... for 30 years down the road when fb comes out)
Loved watching her sew.
The green fuzzy material.
Yellow thread on the stitching.
Big, black buttons.
(NOT looking forward to wearing that pointy hat, though! And those SHOES?!)
The whirring of the sewing machine.
Looks so heavy!
But I love the black, cast iron look.
(reminds me of my train set that dad let's us play with on special occasions)
My favorite part, when she steps on the pedal (like a car... my mom can't even drive!)
And I watch as the chain of events unfold before my eyes.
Gears churning.
Wheels moving.
Needle poking.
Singer... must be the ones who make my train set.
Best part...
Of this entire process...
Watching the operator.
Studious. Concentrating. Determined to meet her timeline. Oh how she loves me.
My mom.

And after all that hard work....
I stand quietly.
Behind the large, red curtain.
On stage.
"Jose! GO!"
(oh, I am going to... how do you say... puke?)
My teacher... never seen her this way before.
Kind of funny. Yet, intimidating.
The way she is quietly yelling at us all.
Oh! At ME now!
Here I go... (gulp).

(my face is red... stop thinking about it... making it worse)
They are chuckling.

Stepping out of my shell...

I go on to read my lines at this point.
For the life of me, I can never remember what those few, short lines were.
But, the feeling I felt when I was reciting them, reaching up with my hands and wiggling my ears on cue.
Hearing the roar of the audience. They are laughing WITH me!
I can do this. I LIKE this.
Watch out.
Green Goblin...
Taking center stage.


  1. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Great writing, can't wait to read more!

  3. nice story, thanks for sharing ;) your confidence was growing.

  4. Wow! What is the Navy giving you guys?
