Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keeping it simple...

(listening to Lifehouse... on my couch... contemplating going for a run)

"Keep it Simple, J."
Of course.

What started this morning,
Actually, started weeks ago.
* Weeks *

The planning.
The coordinating.
Carrying out the proper execution.
What other way is there?
Right? "...sure, J."

0600-0700:  Reveille/hygiene/(fast for Labs)
            - checked night before to ensure I was fully stocked on all hygiene items
            - "it's colder out. you'll be sleeping heavier. add 30 minutes to account for hitting snooze (a few times)"
            - "fast = don't eat, J. don't throw a wrench in your day for a simple mistake."
0700-0730:  Pick up med refills
            - called ahead and they don't open up until 0730 but "work your magic"
            * (worked. "Thanks, person sitting behind the counter feeling guilty for watching me stare!")
0730-0800:  Lab (Blood work); checked:
            - glucose levels
            - cholesterol
            - thyroid
            * ensured nothing else should be checked. maintained high state of efficiency to avoid counter-productivity.
0800-1000:  Fitness Test; checked:
            - metabolism
            - heart rate
            - flexibility
            - strength & conditioning
            - cardio
            - body mass index
            - and about 20 other things I really didn't care to have checked
            * confirmed appointment w/dietitian later this month (to ensure that day is AS efficient... of course.)
1000-1100:  Ultrasound
            - abnormality... more to follow
1100-1200:  Lowe's/Home Project
            - Shasta (Husky)... a.k.a. "the escape artist" needed a new tie-out
            - after several store-bought ones; it was time to go "Tim the Tool Man Taylor" on him and rig my own
            * so far so good
            * happy I stayed within my allotted time
1200-1300:  Cleaners/Chow
            - goal: get in & get out... failed (but stayed within my time-frame... chow came later)
            - plan was to drop off uniforms to take waist in 2 sizes
            - pants were too big. need to buy totally new size. new shirts too.
            - big smile! smile faded when realized plan was going askew. "...get back on track, J." ;)
1300-1400:  Mtg. at Base NOSC
            - sat facing clock to avoid having to glance at my watch (don't want to be rude... of course.)
1400-1800:  Office
            - knocked out in box
            - responded to e-mails
            - tied up all loose ends
            * planning yesterday paid dividends
1800-1900:  Home/Regroup/Chow
            - wishing I had more time with family tonight
1900-2100:  Small Group
            - GREAT Christian fellowship... my "decompress time"
2100-2330:  Personal Time (blog/PT/hygiene)/Taps

Items taken into consideration:

* transit times to include:
- extra 10 minutes taking alternate route via main gate in case closer housing gate is closed
- driving times to and from each location
- walking times from main hospital to dental clinic and back to main side parking lot
- maintaining speed at 65 on Hwy 198 to do better at "following the rules" (slower speed surely reduced my blood pressure, right? ...sure, J.)

* 1 stop at Starbucks in case I get hungry before noon meal due to lab fasting

And all this?

Sure it is...
Because each day.
Every day.
Takes... SOME planning.
To keep it simple.
Of course. ;)

Oh... and yes (going for a run... now).

1 comment:

  1. This is TOO much for me to take in....WOW!!! Almost like reading a foreign language.
