Monday, November 8, 2010

{ stimulate the senses }

Hi! Come on in...
(step into MY world)
Take it in.
Take a deep breath.
My Coffee Shop.

I asked myself.
What makes a good one?
The aromatic beans roasting in the background.
Warmth of the fire and crackling logs.
The people.
Unfamiliar faces.
Conversations within close proximity yet,
Drowned out by the aura.
Aura, of all of the above?
Yes. Definitely.
A safe feeling.
Very homely.
A place to relax.
And. Just. BE.

Makes me realize that my life...
As I experience it,
IS my own, unique coffee shop.
A place where I can. Just Be.
Reflect. Ponder. Rest. Experience. Laugh. Love. Live.

And, as Seasons change.
So goes my coffee shop.
My life. Everchanging.
Full of details too important NOT to capture.
Always a place you can step into and see the changing of the leaves.
Changing.  Resting. Yet...
Preparing for the Spring.
For bigger and better.

Come on in...
Grab a cup...
Take off your coat and enjoy Life. Through Me.
As I, only, know how to tell it.
From the heart.
And "Smiling...
...With my eyes."

and the thing with the beans roasting in the background?
Certain aromatic smells Stimulate The Senses...
Helps us relax and enjoy life more.
So. Yes.
Relaxing Is Authorized. ;)


  1. I loved this, Jose!! Great job :)

  2. I love coffee shops. Use to own one and when I want to relax I pretend I am back there. Thanks Jose. I love it! Hope you are doing well. The Kinney and Wilson family love you bunches!

  3. Very Aromatic! Thanks for the vibrant post, truly enjoyed it! - Felipe
